Apply For The Career Wise Bursaries 2023

10 Min Read

Are you a South African student looking for financial assistance to continue your studies in 2023? Look no further than the Career Wise Bursaries!

This bursary program is designed to help students from disadvantaged backgrounds pursue their academic dreams and reach their full potential.

In this blog post, we will provide you with all the information you need on how to apply for the Career Wise Bursaries in 2023, including eligibility requirements, application deadlines, selection processes and more. So let’s dive in and explore this fantastic opportunity together!

What is the Career Wise Bursary?

The Career Wise Bursary is a program established to provide financial support to South African students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and demonstrate academic potential. The bursary aims to help bridge the inequality gap in education by enabling deserving students access quality tertiary education.

The Career Wise Bursaries are open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students studying at any of the country’s universities or technical vocational education and training (TVET) colleges. In addition, recipients of the bursary receive holistic support that includes mentorship, career guidance, leadership development and networking opportunities.

This bursary is unique as it provides comprehensive support beyond just financial assistance. It seeks to create a community of like-minded individuals who can inspire each other towards achieving their goals while contributing positively towards society’s growth.

If you are a student looking for an opportunity to access quality tertiary education while receiving additional support, then the Career Wise Bursaries 2023 could be your chance.

Who Can Apply For The Career Wise Bursary?

The Career Wise Bursary is available for South African citizens who are currently studying or plan to study at a recognised tertiary institution. If you’re looking to further your education but struggling with financial constraints, then this bursary might be the solution for you.

Career Wise Bursaries 2023 offer support for various fields of study, including science, engineering, commerce, law and more. However, priority will be given to students pursuing studies in scarce skills areas such as actuarial science, chartered accounting and medicine.

Apart from academic merit and field of study interest, other factors like financial need and disadvantaged backgrounds will also be taken into consideration during the selection process. Applicants should show proof of good academic standing and have excellent leadership qualities.

In addition to meeting these requirements, applicants must ensure that they have applied or been accepted by a registered public university or university of technology in South Africa before applying for the bursary. Anyone passionate about their field of study who meets these criteria can apply for the Career Wise Bursary 2023.

How to Apply For The Career Wise Bursary

To apply for the Career Wise Bursary, there are a few simple steps you need to follow. Firstly, make sure that you meet all of the eligibility criteria mentioned on their website. Next, download and complete the bursary application form from their official site.

After completing your application form, attach all required supporting documents including ID copies, proof of income and academic records. Make sure that your application is fully completed with no missing information or documentation.

Once you have completed your application form and gathered all necessary documents together into one file upload them onto their online portal before the deadline date. Late submissions will not be considered so it’s important to submit well in advance.

Double check everything has been filled out correctly and ensure that you have provided accurate contact details as this is how they will communicate with successful applicants regarding next steps.

By following these steps carefully when applying for the Career Wise Bursary 2023 program, you’ll give yourself a great chance of being accepted onto this fantastic opportunity!

When is the Application Deadline?

When Is the Career Wise Bursary Application Deadline?

If you’re considering applying for a Career Wise bursary in 2023, one of the most important things to keep in mind is the Career Wise Bursary Application Deadline. This is the date by which all applications must be submitted, and missing it could mean missing out on this opportunity altogether.

Typically, applications for Career Wise bursaries open at least six months before the deadline. This gives students ample time to gather all necessary documents and information needed to complete their application.

The exact deadline may vary from year to year, so it’s important to stay up-to-date with announcements from Career Wise regarding when applications will open and close. You can also check their website or social media pages for any updates or changes.

It’s essential to keep track of deadlines and ensure that your application is completed well before the cutoff date. Late submissions are usually not accepted under any circumstances, so plan ahead accordingly. Marking down key dates on your calendar or setting reminders can help you stay organized and meet deadlines without issue.

Knowing when the application deadline is crucial if you want to apply for a Career Wise bursary successfully. Start early, prepare thoroughly and submit your application promptly within the designated timeframe!

What are the Requirements?

To be eligible for the Career Wise Bursary, applicants must meet certain requirements. Firstly, applicants must be South African citizens or permanent residents and have a valid ID document. Secondly, they must have completed Matric or an equivalent qualification with good academic results.

Additionally, applicants should demonstrate financial need and lack the financial means to pursue further studies independently. They should also show career potential and commitment to their chosen field of study.

Applicants should demonstrate leadership skills by actively participating in extracurricular activities such as sports, community service projects or cultural events. Successful candidates will be required to maintain satisfactory academic progress throughout their studies.

Due to the limited number of bursaries available each year, meeting these requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the programme. It is therefore essential that applicants submit a well-written application that highlights their strengths and motivation for seeking higher education.

What is the Selection Process?

The selection process for Career Wise Bursaries 2023 is a rigorous and competitive one. After the application deadline, all submitted applications are screened by the Career Wise team to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements.

Next, eligible candidates are invited to complete an online psychometric assessment and undergo a review of their academic performance. Following this stage, shortlisted applicants will be invited for face-to-face interviews with Career Wise representatives.

During the interview process, potential bursary recipients will be assessed based on several criteria such as academic achievement, financial need and personal motivation. Candidates who successfully pass through these stages will then receive notification of their acceptance into the program.

Only a limited number of students are selected each year for Career Wise Bursaries 2023. Therefore, it’s important to put in your best effort during every stage of the application process if you hope to become a beneficiary of this life-changing opportunity.

Other Bursaries:



Q: What is the maximum amount that the Career Wise Bursary covers?
A: The bursary covers up to R100,000 per annum.

Q: Can I apply for a Career Wise Bursary if I’m already studying at university?
A: Yes, you can apply for a bursary if you are in your first or second year of undergraduate study.

Q: When will successful applicants be notified about their application status?
A: Successful candidates will be notified via email or phone by mid-February 2023.

Applying for the Career Wise Bursaries 2023 is an excellent opportunity for students who require financial assistance to further their studies. With this bursary program, individuals can focus on achieving their academic goals without worrying about tuition fees and other expenses.

By following the outlined steps and meeting the eligibility criteria, students stand a chance of qualifying for this life-changing opportunity. So why wait? Apply today!