Apply For Centre for Environmental Rights Internship 2023-2024

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Apply For Centre for Environmental Rights Internship 2023-2024 | How to apply For Centre for Environmental Rights Internship Internship , Application Process, requirements, deadline, fees

Are you a passionate environmentalist looking for an opportunity to make a difference? Look no further than the Centre for Environmental Rights Internship! This highly sought-after program provides hands-on experience in environmental law and policy while working alongside some of the most renowned experts in the field. In this blog post, we’ll dive into all the details about what this internship entails, who can apply, and how to get started on your application. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity – read on to learn more!


About the Centre for Environmental Rights

The Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) is a non-profit organization based in South Africa that seeks to protect and defend the environment through advocacy, legal action, and research. Founded in 2010, CER has since become a leading voice in environmental justice, focusing on issues such as air pollution, climate change, water management and sustainable development.

With offices in Cape Town and Johannesburg, CER employs a team of dedicated lawyers and environmental experts who work tirelessly to hold corporations accountable for their impact on the environment. Through strategic litigation and policy reform efforts ,the organization aims to promote transparent governance practices while empowering communities affected by environmental degradation.

Moreover, CER’s key achievements include stopping plans for new coal-fired power stations; securing compensation for individuals impacted by mining operations; advocating for improved waste management policies nationally; challenging fracking licenses issued by the government among others successes.

Overall, CER’s commitment to environmental protection is both inspiring and necessary given our current global context. The internship program provides an opportunity to learn from these leaders at the forefront of this important work.


What the Internship entails

The Centre for Environmental Rights Internship is a highly competitive program that offers successful applicants the opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals in environmental law, policy and advocacy. The internship entails engaging in research, assisting with litigation and legal support services, drafting submissions to government bodies, contributing to publications and participating in various projects related to environmental justice.

Interns will gain hands-on experience working on real cases and issues that impact both people and the environment. This provides an excellent learning opportunity for students or recent graduates who are interested in pursuing a career in environmental law or advocacy.

During the internship period, interns will also receive mentorship from the Centre’s team of experts while building valuable professional relationships within the field. Additionally, interns will be exposed to various training opportunities such as workshops and seminars aimed at enhancing their skills while broadening their knowledge base.

The internship is a full-time commitment which runs for 12 months starting from February 2023 until January 2024. Successful candidates will receive a stipend throughout this duration but should note that no employment follows upon completion of the program.

This Internship provides aspiring individuals with practical experience that can help them build towards achieving their goals as they set out to make meaningful contributions towards protecting our environment.


Who can apply for the Internship?

Are you passionate about environmental rights and want to make a positive impact on the world? Then the Centre for Environmental Rights Internship might be just what you’re looking for. But who can apply?

This internship is open to recent graduates or students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree program. Applicants should have a strong academic record, excellent writing skills, and a demonstrated interest in environmental law and policy.

Successful candidates will also possess exceptional research skills, be highly motivated self-starters, and work well within a team environment.

At the Centre for Environmental Rights, we value diversity and welcome applications from individuals of all backgrounds who share our commitment to protecting our planet’s natural resources.

If you meet these requirements and are eager to gain hands-on experience working with leading experts in environmental law and policy, then we encourage you to submit your application today!


Application Deadline

One of the most crucial aspects of any internship application is meeting the deadline. The Centre for Environmental Rights has a specific deadline for their 2023/2024 Internship program, which all applicants must adhere to.

The application process opens on 1 July 2022 and closes on 31 August 2022 at midnight South African time. It’s essential to submit your completed application before the closing date as late applications will not be considered.

As an aspiring intern, it’s important to start preparing and submitting your documents in advance, leaving enough time for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the submission period.

It’s also vital to double-check that you have met all the requirements listed by CER before applying. This includes ensuring that you have attached all relevant supporting documentation, such as academic transcripts and a comprehensive cover letter demonstrating why you’re suitable for this opportunity.

Remember, missing out on this chance can mean losing out on gaining critical skills and knowledge from experienced professionals in environmental rights law. So don’t wait until the last minute – apply today!


How to apply for the Internship

Applying for the Centre for Environmental Rights Internship is a simple and straightforward process. Before you begin your application, make sure that you meet all the requirements given by CER. You will need to submit several documents along with your application, so it’s important to have everything prepared in advance.

Firstly, visit their official website and navigate to the Internship section. Here, you’ll find a detailed description of what they’re looking for in an intern and what kind of work experience they offer. Be sure to read through this carefully before applying.

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the internship details, click on “Apply Now”. This will take you to an online application form where you’ll be asked to provide information about yourself, including your personal contact details and academic qualifications.

In addition to filling out the online form, be ready with other supporting documents such as your CV or resume; certified copies of academic records/transcripts; ID/Passport copy; letter(s) of recommendation from relevant individuals who can attest to your skills and abilities; cover letter explaining why you are interested in joining CER’s internship programme as well as how it aligns with your career goals

After submitting all required documentation within deadline period specified on their website (generally 30 days after posting), sit back and wait patiently for feedback from them regarding whether or not you have been shortlisted for further assessment processes which includes interviews etc.

Remember that competition for these positions is likely high given its prestige organization but don’t let this discourage from giving it shot!

Apply For Centre for Environmental Rights Internship Internship 2023-2024 | How to apply For Centre for Environmental Rights Internship Internship , Application Process, requirements, deadline, fees



Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Centre for Environmental Rights Internship, their contact details are readily available on their website.

You can send an email to or call +27 21 447 1647 for any inquiries about the application process, requirements, and other related matters.

For a more personal touch, you may also visit their physical address at Observatory Office Park, Suite 102B, Ground Floor Cnr Lower Main Rd & Station Rd in Observatory.

The Centre for Environmental Rights is committed to providing assistance and clarification to potential interns who wish to join them in their mission towards environmental justice.

Feel free to reach out and get all your queries answered before submitting your application. Remember that applying early gives you a higher chance of being considered than those who apply close to the deadline.

Don’t hesitate; use these resources provided by the Centre for Environmental Rights team – they want nothing but success for each candidate!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is the Centre for Environmental Rights Internship a paid position?
A: Yes, successful candidates will receive a stipend.

Q: Can I apply for more than one internship at the Centre for Environmental Rights?
A: No, applicants are only allowed to apply for one position per application cycle.

Q: What is the duration of the internship program?
A: The internship program runs from January to December each year.

Q: Will I be guaranteed employment after completing my internship?
A: While there is no guarantee of employment after completing your internship, many former interns have gone on to work in various environmental fields and some have even secured permanent positions within CER itself.

Applying for an environmental rights internship with the Centre For Environmental Rights offers you an opportunity to gain practical experience while contributing towards sustainable development. By following our application guidelines and submitting your online application before 30 September 2022, you could become part of this exciting community dedicated to creating a better world.

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