University of Pretoria UP Courses 2024-2025

University of Pretoria UP Courses 2024-2025

Are you considering pursuing higher education at the University of Pretoria? If so, you’re in luck! The university offers a wide range of courses to suit different interests and career paths. However, with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose which course to apply for. Don’t worry – we’ve got your back! In this blog post, we’ll provide you with all the information you need about University of Pretoria UP courses for 2024-2025. From admission requirements to tuition fees, we’ve got it covered. So sit tight and let’s dive in!

Which courses are offered at the University of Pretoria?

The University of Pretoria offers a wide range of courses across different faculties, including the humanities, natural and agricultural sciences, engineering, law, health sciences and many more.

Students interested in pursuing a degree in the humanities can choose from various options such as African languages and culture studies; anthropology and archaeology; history; philosophy; political science and international relations among others.

For those inclined towards science-based degrees, they have an array of choices like biochemistry; biotechnology and food technology; mathematics applied to computer science or physics or economics.

Engineering is another popular faculty at the university with programmes ranging from civil engineering to chemical engineering. A few other areas available for study include architecture too.

Law students have several degree options such as LLB (undergraduate), LLM (postgraduate) or even doctoral degrees in both public law and private law fields.

Healthcare professionals-to-be can opt for medical programs including medicine & surgery MBChB which is one of their most well-known undergraduate programs at UP among others that are offered by this prestigious institution.

What are the admission requirements for each course?

Each course at the University of Pretoria has its own specific admission requirements. These requirements vary depending on the programme, faculty and level of study. In general, prospective students need to have a National Senior Certificate or equivalent qualification with a minimum symbol or achievement level in certain subjects.

For undergraduate studies, applicants must also meet the minimum APS score required for their chosen programme. This is calculated based on their NSC results and other factors such as language proficiency tests and performance in talent identification programmes.

Postgraduate studies usually require applicants to have an appropriate bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field. Some programmes may also require work experience or research proposals as part of their application criteria.

International students are required to provide evidence of English proficiency through approved language tests such as TOEFL or IELTS.

It is important that prospective students carefully review the admission requirements for each course they plan to apply for and ensure they meet all criteria before submitting their applications.

What is the duration of each course?

The University of Pretoria offers a wide range of courses with varying durations. The duration of each course can depend on the level, type and nature of the program.

Undergraduate programs typically take three to four years to complete while Honours degrees usually require an additional year after completing a Bachelor’s degree. Masters programs typically take one to two years depending on whether it is done by coursework or research. Doctoral studies may take between three to four years for full-time students.

Professional courses such as Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science have longer durations due to their practical components which require extensive clinical training. For example, a medical degree takes six years and includes two years of preclinical study followed by four years of clinical rotations.

Short courses and online certifications are also available at UP with varying durations from weeks to months depending on the topic area.

It is important for prospective students to consider the duration of their chosen course when planning their academic journey at UP.

What is the tuition fee for each course?

The tuition fee for each course at the University of Pretoria varies depending on the program and level of study. It’s important to note that tuition fees are subject to change every academic year, so it’s always advisable to check with the university administration for updated information.

For undergraduate programs, the tuition fees can range from approximately R40 000 per annum for some courses in Humanities and Social Sciences up to R60 000 per annum or more for Science and Engineering courses. These figures do not include additional costs such as accommodation, textbooks, and other expenses associated with studying.

Postgraduate programs have higher tuition fees compared to undergraduate programs due to their specialized nature. The cost of a postgraduate degree can vary greatly depending on factors like program type, duration, research requirements among others. However, generally speaking, most postgraduate students pay an average of between R30 000 -R80 000 annually.

It’s worth noting that there are various funding options available for both local and international students wanting financial assistance throughout their studies at UP. This includes scholarships offered by external organizations or universities themselves.

While the cost of education might seem high at first glance; investing in your education is a worthy expense that will reap rewards in your career path later down the line.


In summary, the University of Pretoria offers a wide range of courses for students to choose from in 2024-2025. The admission requirements and duration vary depending on each course. However, one thing that remains constant is the quality of education offered at UP.

It’s important for prospective students to carefully consider their options and choose a course that aligns with their career goals and interests. Additionally, it’s crucial to note tuition fees as they may also impact decision-making.

Pursuing higher education is an investment in oneself. With determination and hard work, graduates can reap the rewards of their academic achievements and contribute positively towards society.

We hope this guide has provided valuable insights into some of the courses available at UP in 2024-2025. Best wishes on your academic journey!

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