How many Pokémon are there in Pokémon Legend Arceus?

How many Pokémon does Pokémon legend Arceus have?

Pokémon legend Arceus has a total of 242 Pokémon

#No. Name type
1 Rollett grass/fly
2 Datrix grass/fly
3 decidual eye Grass/Fighting
4 Sinda Quill fire
5 Kirawa fire
6 typhoid fever fire/ghost
7 oshawater water
8 dewater water
9 Samurot water/dark
10 Bidoff normal
11 hurry up normal/water
12 starlight normal/flight
13 Stavia normal/flight
14 Starraptor normal/flight
15 Sinks electrical
16 lucio electrical
number 17 Rex Swiss electrical
18 Whymper loophole
19 Silicon Cohen loophole
20 beautiful fly bug/fly
twenty one Cascone loophole
twenty two Dust poison bug/poison
twenty three pony fire
twenty four fast fire
25 Ibrahimovic normal
26 steam water
27 Layton electrical
28 Fryon fire
29 Espen Spirit
30 Umbreon dark
31 Ye Feng Grass
32 Gracion ice
33 Sylvan Fairy
34 Toothed poison/fly
35 big mouth bat poison/fly
36 he quack poison/fly
37 flying dragon ghost/flying
38 drive blim ghost/flying
39 Crictor loophole
40 Kicking song loophole
41 Buizer water
42 Flotzel water
43 Burmi loophole
44 Walmart bugs/grass
45 Mortime bug/fly
46 Geode rock/ground
47 stone breaker rock/ground
48 golem rock/ground
49 stand up normal
50 Verdier normal/psychic
51 monkey lax normal
52 snorax normal
53 Pallas bugs/grass
54 Parasecte bugs/grass
55 bhikkhu electrical
56 pikachu electrical
57 Lei Zhong electrical
58 Abra Spirit
59 kadabra Spirit
60 Alakazam Spirit
61 Chimchar fire
62 Monferno the fire
63 Hellfire the fire
64 Bnery normal
65 Lop rabbit normal
66 cherubi Grass
67 cherry wood Grass
68 Psychedelic Duck water
69 godak water
70 Compi bug/fly
71 Vespiken bug/fly
72 sickle bug/fly
73 Scissors bug/steel
74 Clever bug/rock
75 Hercules Bug/Battle
76 millet plum Psychic/Fairy
77 Mr Mime Psychic/Fairy
78 Love Pom normal
79 Ambipon normal
80 King carp water
81 Gyarados water/fly
82 Shelos water
83 Gastrodia water/land
84 Quelfish dark/poisonous
85 Overquill dark/poisonous
86 happiness normal
87 Qianxi normal
88 Blissy normal
89 budo grass/poison
90 roselia grass/poison
91 rose color grass/poison
92 carnitine Grass
93 petilier Grass
94 lilin Grass/Fighting
95 Tangra Grass
96 Don Gross Grass
97 Baboachi water/land
98 whisky water/land
99 Croaggonque poison / fight
100 poisonous poison / fight
101 lartz Psychic/Fairy
102 Kilia Psychic/Fairy
103 Galdeva Psychic/Fairy
104 Garrard Psychic/Fairy
105 don't burn bug/fly
106 Janmega bug/fly
107 hippo ground
108 hippo ground
109 Patch Leeds electrical
110 smelly Poison/Dark
111 skunk jar Poison/Dark
112 tediusa normal
113 Ursalin normal
114 Ursaruna Normal/Ground
115 Gumi dragon
116 Sligu dragon/steel
117 Goodra dragon/steel
118 agate rock/ground
119 Stillix steel/grind
120 rhino horn rock/ground
121 armored rhino rock/ground
122 hurry up rock/ground
123 bunsley rock
124 Sudama rock
125 niche pass normal
126 Leach Leakey normal
127 Togepi Fairy
128 Togetik fairy/flying
129 Togekis fairy/flying
130 Turtwig Grass
131 Grotter Grass
132 totla grass/ground
133 polygon normal
134 Polygon 2 normal
135 Polygon-Z normal
136 Gastley ghost/poison
137 ghost ghost/poison
138 Gengar ghost/poison
139 tomb ghost/darkness
140 raven dark/flying
141 Honchikro dark/flying
142 unknown Spirit
143 field ice water
144 Sileo ice water
145 Walllein ice water
146 Ray Moraid water
147 Octillery water
148 crispy skin poisonous insect
149 Drapion Poison/Dark
150 growing up fire/rock
151 Alkanen fire/rock
152 Grameu normal
153 Prugli normal
154 machope struggle
155 majok struggle
156 Marchamp struggle
157 chatotte normal/flight
158 Twilight Skeleton ghost
159 Duclops ghost
160 dusk ghost
161 piplap water
162 principle water
163 Embolon water/steel
164 Mantic water/fly
165 Keep water/fly
166 Basculin water
167 Legion of Basco water/ghost
168 six tails fire
169 nine tails fire
170 Tanta cool water
171 tent brutal water/poison
172 Finnion water
173 Luminion water
174 Magby fire
175 Magma fire
176 Magnetic mortar fire
177 magnetite Electricity/Steel
178 Magneto Electricity/Steel
179 magnetic area Electricity/Steel
180 bronze Steel/Psionic
181 Bronzon Steel/Psionic
182 Alex electrical
183 Taser electrical
184 electricity company electrical
185 giggle ground/flight
186 Gresco ground/flight
187 Gibble Dragon/Earth
188 Gabbit Dragon/Earth
189 Gachop Dragon/Earth
190 nasal passage rock
191 Propopas rock/steel
192 Waltob electric/grass
193 electrode electric/grass
194 Rotom electricity/ghost
195 Qing Ling Spirit
196 chimecho Spirit
197 Misjudgment ghost
198 Mismagius ghost
199 Clay Law Fairy
200 Clayfield Fairy
201 Clive Bull Fairy
Chapter 202 Snessel poison / fight
203 Snesler poison / fight
204 we heard dark/ice
205 they snore ice
206 Grali ice
207 Froslas ice/ghost
208 Cranes rock
209 Lampardos rock
210 Hilden rock
211 Stegodon rock/steel
212 swinub ice/ground
213 Phosphorus Eloise Wayne ice/ground
214 Mammoth Wayne ice/ground
215 Bergmit ice/
216 Avarug ice/rock
217 snover grass/ice
218 Abbot Masnow grass/ice
219 ground normal/ghost
220 Zoroak normal/ghost
221 Rufflet normal/flight
222 the brave Psychic/flying
223 Rioglu struggle
224 lucario fight/stab
225 thanks Spirit
226 mesplite Spirit
227 Azerf Spirit
228 Hetland fire/steel
229 Regulation normal
230 Cresselia Spirit
Chapter 231 Thunder electric/flying
Chapter 232 tornado flight
233 landrus ground/flight
234 in love fairy/flying
235 Dialga Steel/Dragon
236 award water/dragon
Chapter 237 Giratina ghost/dragon
238 Arceus normal
239 Fion water
240 Manafi water
Chapter 241 Xie Ming Grass
Chapter 242 Darkley dark

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